Fondecyt 11190562
"Neurophysiological measures of cognitive functioning of agricultural workers exposed to acetylcholinesterase inhibiting pesticides".
Fondecyt 11190828
"Conscious percept emergence and cognitive flexibility in visual bistable phenomena: an EEG experimental study".
Proyecto Interno UCM
"Attentional Networks in gifted school children: behavioral and physiological measures through ERPs".
REDES 190078

Associate Research Center
CINPSI Neurocog
"Collaboration network for the study of chronic diseases in agricultural workers".
Suseso 53/2017
"Validation of a battery of tests for the monitoring of cognitive effects of occupational exposition to acetylcholinesterase inhibitor pesticides in agricultural workers".
Fondecyt 11150784
"Educational Intervention and effects of organophosphate pesticides in rural school communities".